One dress challenge, Day 11: Blue and white striped dress, tan blazer, and jeans
When I started this challenge I knew it was going to challenge my time management skills, blogging abilities, and self-esteem. If you are a part-time entrepreneur you would understand the first two points but probably not my last point. I usually do not like to see myself in photos because in my mind I am a perfect 8 but the photos tell the truth. I know I am a beautiful woman but it does not mean that I can not do better with my physical health.
This year I decided to explore different things that I consider a test. Some of the things I decided to explore is being more visible on social media and losing weight. So I am thankful for this one dress challenge for pushing me to post more picture of myself and to see what I can change about myself. Today's outfit features the blue and white striped dress, tan sweater, and dark jeans. All of my post this week includes jewelry from my Cristal line pictured below. Stephanie- Follow Stephanie during the challenge on Instagram. >> EARRINGS Comments are closed.