9/25/2014 Happy?Happy?If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or objects. 9/7/2014 Are You Up to Moonlighting?Are You Up to Moonlighting?If you have ever worked a part-time job or focused on your business after working your full time job you know how tired and burnout you can easily become. So what’s one of the first steps to becoming a successful Moonlighter?
A successful Moonlighter keeps a consistent and realistic work schedule. Failing to set a daily intention for oneself or business you risk not completing your task and then more than likely you walk away feeling defeated. So to conquer defeat focus on completing a list of realistic goals. Once a week write out a schedule that you can automate on your Smartphone or tablet. Try to focus on achieving two or three task each day. If you continue to keep a consistent and an achievable task list you will begin to see your work flourish. You will reach more customers, gain more fans, and increase brand recognition. Do you have any apps or tools you would like to share to help others who struggle with moonlighting? If so, please share below. We would love you to hear your ideas. If you found this information helpful please share. Stephanie |