7/16/2014 New Year’s ResolutionsOn yesterday, I pulled out my list of my New Year’s Resolution to see if I’m
still on tract. What I discovered is that out of 33 my resolutions I am on achieving about 60% of my goals. With this being said instead of tackling each resolution all at once I decided to divide my list into sections. The first set of goals I’m focusing on is my health. Here are a few of my goals: Exercise 3x a week Focus on a cleaner diet at least 80% clean Practice yoga and meditation at least 10 minutes a day Put on facial moisturizer daily < I know this a MUST The idea of breaking my goals into section will allow me to focus on a few goals daily that way it will become routine. Also it will help ease the feeling of defeat. I’m guessing it will take me at least four weeks to turn these goals into habits. So, how are doing with your New Year’s Resolutions? Stephanie Exclusivesb Comments are closed.